Saturday 25 May 2013

Order of Operations

    1. () [] --> . ::         grouping, scope, array, member access
    2. ! ~ - + * &  sizeof type cast ++x --x       (most) unary operations, sizeof and type casts
    3. * / %                 multiplication division modulo
    4. + -                    addition subtraction
    5. << >>               bitwise shift left and right
    6. < <= > >=        comparisons: less than, ....
    7. == !=               equal, not equal
    8. &                     bitwise AND
    9. ^                      bitwise exclusive OR
    10. |                       bitwise inclusive (normal) OR
    11. &&                  Logical AND
    12. ||                      Logical OR
    13. ?:                     condition expression (ternary operator)
    14. = += -= *= /= %= &= |= ^= <<= >>= assignment operators
    15. .                      common operator