Mounting Windows Share Folder on Linux
Method 1:
Install the samba client
#yum install samba-client
Install the CIFS-Utils
#yum install cifs-utils
Create a directory that the share will mount to
#mkdir /mnt/[shared_folder_name]
Open the NFS share file
#vi /etc/fstab
Add this command line in /etc/fstab file
[windows_IP]:/[shared_folder_name] /mnt/[shared_folder_name] cifs
username=[windows_username],password=[windows_password] 0 0
cifs = filesystem type, a windows share on Linux is recognized as cifs
To remount all filesystem on the linux server
#mount -a
Method 2: (For VMWare Mounting Windows Host Folder]
Open thw VMWare Machine Settings window. In the Options tab, make sure you enabled the Shared Folders.
Run the vmware mount client to check the name of the shared host folder.
# /usr/bin/vmware-hgfsclient
Mount the host folder
# mount -t vmhgfs .host:/[windows_shared_folder] /mnt/hgfs
Add this command line in /etc/fstab file
.host:/[shared_folder_name] /mnt/[shared_folder_name] vmhgfs
default 0 0
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