Thursday 7 February 2013

Using MAVEN to create war file

  1. Download and install Maven
  2. Go the command line run: mvn archetype:generate
  3. Follow the prompted steps - choosing the simple java web project (18) and a suitable name.
  4. When it is finished run: mvn eclipse:eclipse
  5. Start Eclipse. Choose File -> Import -> Existing project. Select the directory where you ran the mvn goals.
  6. That's it you should now have a very good start to a war project in eclipse
  7. You can create the war itself by running mvn package or deploy it by setting up a server in eclipse and simply adding adding the project to the server.
Sample Configuration:
if you want to go with maven is to stick to maven conventions and particularly the Maven Directory Layout.

A simple war project would have the following directory layout:


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